Liquid Milk

UHT Whole Milk

When it comes to milk, health comes first. Our milk is commercially sterile, meaning it is free from pathogens and micro-organisms. It is our promise that Vito milk is always safe, and tastes great.

Vito milk is available in UHT Whole Milk. All variants come in a 500 ml pack in Extended Shelf Life pack and Tetra Fino pack.

Intended/Suggested Uses:

  • For consumption as liquid milk, making tea, coffee and milk based beverages.
  • Not intended for infant feeding.


Available in 500 ml pouches that are 95 micron thick, seven layer (including an EVOH Layer) custom pack which are packed in 5 ply corrugated boxes.

Shelf life

  • 90 Days when sealed and stored at ambient room temperatures away from sunlight in a cool and dry place.
  • 4 days once opened, to be refrigerated between 4° C – 6° C.


Per Gram(g)


Energy value (in Kcal/kJ)

Per Gram(g)

260.1 kJ / 62.2 kCal


Fat (%)

Per Gram(g)

3.7 Min


Titratable acidity (as lactic acid)

Per Gram(g)

0.13 to 0.15


Solid Non Fat (SNF)%

Per Gram(g)

8.50 Min


Density (g/ml)

Per Gram(g)

1.028 to 1.036